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Traveling in Panama with a Baby

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Campervan baby

Many fresh mothers and fathers use the time after the birth for a longer vacation abroad. The new family can then travel for several weeks, or even months if they take a special spare time which some countries provide. A destination like Panama is not just around the corner, and it takes around 16 hours to get there by plane from Europe. It is therefore worthwhile not to plan the vacation too tightly, so that it is not too exhausting for the new parents and the little ones.

With the Morpho Van you are flexible and can plan your Panama trip according to your needs. Traveling with a baby is a bit of a challenge, but definitely doable. It is important to be well prepared and to create a relaxed atmosphere for you and your baby. Babies can adjust well to changes and usually adapt to your mood. So don’t worry!

Flying to Panama

Before you arrive in Panama, most parents have to catch a flight. They pack the most important utensils for the baby in the hand luggage. A few small snacks, enough diapers and wet wipes, water and baby food (milk), small toys, the favorite cuddly toy and small books will make the trip with the baby on the plane easier.

A good supply of water is provided on board and the on-board staff can heat the water at any time. Experience has shown that the crew is very attentive to their little passengers and often asks if anything else is needed. For babies up to 70 cm, you can also book a special baby bed. If your baby likes to sleep and needs the rest, this is the perfect solution. Night flights are also advantageous, as the lights in the plane are turned off and your baby can sleep at the usual rhythm. On the Internet you can find many helpful articles about flying with babies and toddlers.

In Panama you can find everything you need for your little darling in the big supermarkets. Through the Panama Canal, many products are also imported from abroad. Diapers, baby food and all other baby products meet European or US American standards. So leave unnecessary things at home!

Your round trip through Panama

The Morpho Van offers enough space for two adults and a baby. In the comfortable three-seater the baby seat(for babies from 0-1,5 years) fits directly between the parents and so even the little angel travels safely through the country. For sleeping, the baby or toddler can also be placed in its own travel bed which can be placed in the spacious Morpho Van and can be easily folded and stowed away in the morning.

Morpho Van offers a baby package which includes a baby seat (also with inlay for very small babies), a baby travel bed including sheets and mosquito net, as well as a baby carrier to put on. These things do not have to be brought from home. For more information, please check the full list of our additional packages.

In the cities there are many stores in malls where you can buy everything you need. You can get a small, inexpensive stroller here for as little as $20-40. So if you don’t really want to take the stroller from home, you can buy it here too. With a baby carrier to put around your baby, you can hike and carry your baby well in Panama. The footpaths in Panama are very poor and in some cases non-existent, making it difficult to get around with a stroller.

What does a baby need when traveling in Panama?

The most important things are definitely plenty of water (or baby milk), a good sunscreen for babies, a sun blocker for the beach, a thin cap, swim diapers and a mosquito net for the night and in the evening for the stroller or travel bed. In Panama, temperatures range from 30 degrees in Panama City, 30-35 degrees on the beaches and in the jungle, and 17-30 degrees in the mountainous regions and cloud forest.

Depending on how you plan your Panama trip by Morpho Van, you should take appropriate clothing for your baby. For one to three nights in Boquete, a jacket and long pants are recommended. On the coast and also in Panama City very thin and light clothing is sufficient so that your baby does not sweat. A head covering and sun protection are always an absolute must. Even in the rainy season, when the sun is covered by clouds, the UV factor of the light is very high and you can get sunburned quickly. A good sunscreen for baby skin should not be missing. Advice: Bring your own sunscreens, as skin care products and shampoos are more expensive in Panama.

Organizing your trip with a baby

Most babies are early risers. This is an advantage in Panama. As the sun rises around 6 am, temperatures are still ok even in the hot dry season. A breakfast at pleasant temperatures ensures a good mood and strength for the onward journey. In order not to overstrain the little globetrotter, distances longer then 4-5 hours should be avoided.

On the way, breaks are necessary so that your child can move around and you can change diapers in peace. In addition, it is always better to reach the next destination in the early afternoon. From 2 pm, temperatures are at their highest and a cool-down in the sea or swimming pool is waiting for you.

Traveling is not only exhausting for you, but also for your offspring. With a baby everything takes a little longer and the mood is not the same every day. Your travel route with the Morpho Van through Panama should therefore not be planned too tightly. Also the baby has to get used to the climate, the new environment and the driving. So take your time and that of your little.

Some destinations turn out to be real feel-good places and the Morpho Van allows you to plan flexibly and spontaneously. You can discover and enjoy the regions at your own pace and according to your wishes and do not have to stick to fixed hotel bookings and excursion times. Your baby can explore the world with you at its own pace. After all, the vacation with the Morpho Van should be fun and you should relax together.

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