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Most popular jungle tours in Panama

Go wild! Discover the real wilderness on Central American jungle tours in Panama. Whether as a day trip or an adventure lasting several days - Panama has the full program of jungle tours to offer and has everything for botanists, animal experts and hobby adventurers.

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Go wild! Discover the real wilderness on Central American jungle tours in Panama. Whether as a day trip or an adventure lasting several days – Panama has the full program of jungle tours to offer and has everything for botanists, animal experts and hobby adventurers. And best of all, most jungle areas in Panama are easily accessible by campervan or car.

Close to the capital – Gamboa

Not far from the capital, the first jungle area extends right next to the Panama Canal. Easily accessible, an absolute adventure awaits the whole family here.

The Gamboa Jungle Reserve is one of the most beautiful and popular jungle reserves with guaranteed animal sightings. Crocodiles, sloths, howler monkeys, spider monkeys, squirrel monkeys and numerous bird species are waiting to be discovered by you. You can take the Morpho Van directly to the landing stage in Gamboa, where typical Panamanian boats and their captains welcome you and whisk you away into the breathtaking natural surroundings.

The impressive expanses of the Panama Canal await you right at the start of the boat tour. In addition to Lake Gatun, the nature reserve has numerous tributaries and offers an incredible backdrop. The huge container ships are a real contrast to the small boats.

A boat tour takes an average of 2 hours. The experienced boat guides know exactly which of the small islands to head for in order to introduce you to the country’s flora and fauna. You can book a tour for the morning and afternoon and be in the fabulous green landscape in around 40 minutes with your Morpho Van from Panama City. If, after the round trip on the water, you feel like delving deeper into the jungle, the Gamboa National Park is just the place for you.

Exciting trekking tours, birdwatching and the pure wilderness of Panama await you in Soberania National Park. Here you will encounter toucans, parrots and hummingbirds in their natural environment. Tapirs, coatis and sloths live freely here and cross the adventurers’ path. As an early riser, you are guaranteed to be rewarded here, as the jungle wakes up in the morning hours and greets you with the roar of monkeys and the song of one of the countless bird species.

Botanists will love Panama. The plant world is one of the most diverse in the world. There are more than 800 species of orchids in Panama alone. Ferns from the primeval times of the earth and huge mountain mantle trees offer a fantastic natural spectacle.

The ingenious ziplining tours around Panama City guarantee a real adrenaline rush. Faster than Tarzan and with a great view, you swing from tree to tree through the treetops of the rainforest. The whole jungle lies at your feet and you experience absolute freedom above the jungle canopy. This thrilling adventure is definitely one of the unforgettable moments of your trip with the Morpho Van through Panama.

Jungle tours in Panama on the Caribbean

Almost the entire Caribbean coast – with a few exceptions – belongs to the autonomous territories of the indigenous population. Huge areas of rainforest are virtually untouched here, as the land is protected by the government and the administration of the indigenous people. Only a few areas are accessible to tourists and there are only a few hotels and accommodations. But this is exactly what makes Panama so interesting for scientists and adventurers.

The Eastern Caribbean is administered by the Guna Yala Indians, who are also known for their chic fabric paintings, the molas. The San Blas Islands are also part of the area. Access is almost exclusively by boat. The province of Colon, on the other hand, is well developed and the national parks near Portobelo are easily accessible and offer beautiful beaches, jungle and mountains.

In Veraguas, too, the road is clear to the Caribbean and leads through the jungle of the Ngöbe-Bugle Indians. Calovebora is a village by the sea that is connected to Santa Fe by an easily passable asphalt road in the dry season. The entire area around Santa Fe is practically an adventure playground.

The Anton Valley

Ornithologists, hikers, climbers and amateur photographers are guaranteed to get their money’s worth in El Valle de Anton. The highlight of an early morning exploration of the cloud forest is an encounter with Guatemala’s national bird – the quetzal. From the moment you walk through this tropical jungle, you feel the wonder of nature. Large blue butterflies, the Morphos, mark the endless path, while the song of the birds evokes the most tender feelings in this exotic vegetation where adventure, pleasure and tranquillity mingle.

Those responsible for the conservation of this ecological refuge report a good 1000 bird species, including the quetzal, which has spread here next to Boquete in La Amistad National Park on the border with Costa Rica. This beautiful and colorful bird awakens the jungle dwellers with its unmistakable call. The mountain region around El Valle is one of the most famous bird areas in the world and attracts scientists, researchers and professors from all over the world. New species are constantly being discovered, as the climate and vegetation here are perfect for the development of true natural wonders.

The Baru and Boquete in the cloud forest of Panama

The highest volcano in Panama, Baru, is located on the border with Costa Rica. During the dry season, a breathtaking view of the Pacific and the Caribbean awaits you at its summit in the morning hours. Of course, here too, the journey is the reward. The Baru is bordered by a huge jungle area. Once at the top, the clouds of the cloud forest mystically envelop you and whisk you away into the world of the deep secrets of the rainforest.

Unlike in the lower regions, where temperatures are always nice and warm at around 30°Celsius during the rainy and dry season, it is noticeably cooler on the Baru. You should definitely always have a jacket with you when you make your way to the crater.

Boquete is located right next to the Barus. A place that has become a real tourist magnet. Boquete is considered the #1 growing region for Panamanian coffee. Reliable periods of rain and pleasant spring-like temperatures in the mountains provide the best conditions for high-quality coffee varieties to the highest standards.

Boquete is a true paradise for ornithologists. Nowhere else in the world, for example, are there so many different species of hummingbird as in the cloud forests here. It is not uncommon to encounter Guatemala’s national bird, the quetzal, whose unmistakable call echoes through the dense foliage of the jungle.

After an exciting day in the jungle, you can enjoy fantastic food in Boquete’s numerous restaurants. Various restaurateurs from all over the world have fulfilled their dream of a first-class restaurant here. Local cuisine as well as high-quality steakhouses, great breakfast restaurants and genuine haute cuisine characterize the main street and the city center.


The small selection of jungle areas in Panama in this article shows the most accessible and most popular jungle areas in Panama. Of course, there is much more to discover, including the Darien Gap, one of the most dangerous jungle routes in the world. It is forbidden to drive into this region with the Morpho Van. Drug gangs regularly rob, murder and kidnap people. The migration flows from Venezuela and Colombia pass right through this Darien Gap and cause additional problems. It’s better to book a guided tour to the less developed jungle areas of Panama. If you are looking for guides and travel agencies, please contact us.

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