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Top-Story on German Camper Radio Station

Table of Contents - Camper Radio in Germany
When launched in Germany at the beginning of 2024, we immediately looked for a media partner from Morpho Van. Together, we produced great interviews and made Panama attractive as a camper destination. Now we have been recognized by the station with a listing in the top stories of the past year.

What do you listen to on is Germany’s first radio station for campers. A team of currently 17 moderators, editors and radio broadcasters guide listeners through the balanced program. There is plenty of music to relax and party to, as well as features about camping adventures and news from around the world.

The team brings that unique holiday feeling to your home, motorhome, campsite or tent. No matter where you are, they are always with you, providing not only the best holiday music but also additional tips, tricks and trends! is available free of charge via an app for the iPhone and for Android smartphones.

What was the motivation behind the interviews?

Few campers think of Central America as a place for camping adventures in a campervan or pickup camper. Yet camping in Central America is an underrated activity loved by locals and open travelers alike. 

Panama is underdeveloped when we think of campsites in the United States and Canada. They simply don’t exist here. The challenge in Panama is to create your own space: on the beach, in the woods, on the Pan-American Highway.

You will always find interested Panamanians who will immediately join you and ask you what you are doing. But it is precisely this openness that makes a camping trip through the region so exciting.

We from Morpho Van were able to report on our own camping adventures in Central America and the world. Of course, only in very short snippets, since radio is a medium that doesn’t have much time for words. 

Top story because of its uniqueness is a new radio station and we support each other wherever we can. We help with stories and they support us with media presence. But the fact that we were awarded a top story did surprise us.

Just listen to the interviews. The radio program broadcasts in German. We are happy to provide information in German and English for further interview requests on this topic. Our Spanish is good, but not yet suitable for detailed interviews.

Listen to the interview on >>

Morpho Van


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